We all love having some super simple, well-liked recipes in our nightly dinner repertoire. If 4 out of the 5 in my family like a recipe, it’s a keeper…
My little guy has been wanting to help with everything lately! I am loving that he is interested in so many different things and wants to learn something new!…
Sometimes you just need a warm mug filled with hot chocolate to hold on tight to! Being an Ohioan, there are times our seasons seem to change within 24 hours!…
How are those New Year’s Resolutions treating you? I LOVE coke something fierce. In years past, I would drink a can a day. Last year I slowly cut coke…
I love to munch on crunchy snacks. I like sweet foods, I like salty foods, I like FOOD! Have you tried New York Style pita chips. panetini, or bagel crisps? If you…
Birthdays around our house are a big deal! I love celebrating life and spoiling the one who’s having a birthday! My husband’s birthday is this week, and I’ve started…