And, yet, this Sunday I will prepare enough food to feed a small army all in the name of football! All because it’s…
{insert echoey announcer type voice}
Whether you are watching the game for the actual game or you’re more interested in the half-time show or the always-entertaining commercials, it’s time to get your game plan ready for your Super Bowl party! Because I’m pretty sure calories don’t count on Super Bowl Sunday!!
The Line Up ::
While the Super Bowl is all about the two best teams from this season duking it out, my Super Bowl Party is all about Team VonShef from Designer Habitat!
Playing first-string at our Super Bowl party is the VonShef Stainless Steel Deep Fryer!
From onion rings to chicken wings and egg rolls to homemade donut holes, this baby is going to be working hard and scoring touchdowns left and right throughout our party! The perfect size to serve up a variety of appetizers throughout the night, the VonShef Stainless Steel Deep Fryer allows me to quickly toss in small appetizers to keep my football fans happy and fed! And, because all of the removable parts on the fryer are dish-washer safe, my post-game clean up is a breeze. {Because how often do your Super Bowl fans stick around to help clean up after the game?}
Just like in the football game, you can’t have your first-string players doing all the work! So you’ll need a second-string team for your party. My second-string is all about the pizzas! And the VonShef Pizza Stone is up to the task.
Like with our appetizers, we have a variety of “tastes” both in our family and coming to our Super Bowl party. The VonShef Ceramic Pizza Stone (with included presentation rack and pizza cutter) allows you to make party-worthy pizzas right at home. Meaning you can quickly whip up a variety of pizzas for you guests, including veggie lovers, meat lovers or, for my daughter who is anti-pizza, some killer breadsticks! This is also a great way to keep the kids at the party busy — have them create their own masterpiece pizzas!
And now for the Kicker!
While I admittedly don’t watch much football, I do know the ins and outs of the game. And I know that the field goals can determine a win or a loss for a team! That’s a lot of pressure on that kicker! For a guy who doesn’t spend a lot of time on the field, he’s got a big job to do.
Make the “kicker” of your Super Bowl party the VonShef Manhattan Cocktail Set!
Your guests will love watching you mix up some amazing cocktails with this stainless steel shaker and complete cocktail set. Or at least you can provide some kitchen entertainment in-between the commercials 🙂 Think: Tom Cruise mixing it up in “Cocktail”! And it will give you a fun break from cracking open bottles.
With a “team” like that in your kitchen, you can’t lose! No matter who actually wins the game. Yes, remember there is still a game going on 🙂
How are you celebrating this Super Bowl Sunday? What “Must Haves” will be at your party?