Finding new shoes that look good, fit and feel great is an adventure. AD-VEN-TURE. I have funny feet. I love and hate my feet. I have had issues in the past with my feet, so buying those cheapo, cute shoes from departments stores are no longer in my future. Now I have to spend hours researching shoes that are comfy, cute and good for me.
I am happy to tell you that naturalizer has made my short list!
I had a skewed opinion of naturalizer from the beginning. Honestly, I thought all naturalizer shoes were only styles that my grandmother would love. I could NOT have been more wrong. When I was at BlogHer this past year in NYC, I had a chance to meet with naturalizer…up close and personal. I had a chance to try on shoes and was I surprised. Not only were they completely comfortable (obviously with a name like that!), but quite stylish too I may add!
I received a pair of the Ora boots…and when I go outside of my home and don’t wear my *hot* yoga pants, 8 times out of 10 I’ll be wearing these boots! They go with everything. These boots, statement speaking I say and goodness do I get the compliments!I had to deal with customer service as well throughout this review. Again, top notch!
All in all, I am very thrilled with naturalizer and definitely see myself making further purchases from them in the future! In fact, I have told close girlfriends about naturalizer and they too have made purchases, just from me saying something. So that speaks volumes in regards to how I feel about this brand. 🙂
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ora boot :: $199, but on sale now for $99!!
*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own*
walk in #springfashion style with naturalizer :: review and giveaway {#realmomstyle}
April 14, 2013 at 1:18 pm[…] with you a few times already. First we shared the Ora boots with you (You can see the post HERE). And not long ago, I shared some information on the BZee’s line too (you can see that […]
BZees shoes from naturalizer are new this spring :: information {#realmomstyle}
March 14, 2013 at 2:00 pm[…] having Naturalizer on SIMPLE earlier this year (see the Ora Boot post HERE), I have learned more and more about these great shoes. I have to share some of their […]
February 19, 2013 at 9:18 pmGreat review! I just ordered two pairs ::squeal!!::
February 20, 2013 at 8:41 amAhhh, that’s wonderful Heather!! Enjoy 🙂