I’m really excited to bring you this week’s installation in my collaboration with my friend Erin over at Home with the Boys! She is a fellow fashion lover, but she is a mom to three boys and, as you know, I’m a mom to four girls! We thought it would be fun to show you how we view style from two different perspectives – a girl mom and a boy mom. Be sure to check out her fabulous post today, sharing something different than I am from Solo Hope!
Lately, I’ve been researching accessory and clothing companies that are going above and beyond and doing good. Being good humans. In this crazy world that we live in, it’s sad to say that it’s been hard, some days, to find the good. From all the headings in social media that make you just shake your head to the ignorant individuals at the grocery store, I’m doing my best to look past all that and surround myself with the good. And, since I want to be a shining light in this world, I have to shine the light on some realy great companies. Like the one I’m sharing today with you – Solo Hope.
For starters, what grabbed me was the unique accessories that they had to offer. I mean, check out the simple and classy necklace that I’m sharing today – In the Rough. Each necklace is unique and imperfectly perfect just like each of us. For something SUPER fabulous, make sure you see Erin’s piece. Oh. Em. Gee. Too fun! What I love about the company is that their products are unique.
But, what I love even more is what the products are doing – other than looking fabulous. Crafted in Honduras, the spark started when the owner traveled there at 16 years old for a missions trip. There’s so much to the awesome story of Solo Hope, but basically, she saw a need, and filled it. She’s a good human. Women in poverty, looking for purpose, she’s doing her part in helping them create purpose again in their lives. She is up to 7 artisans creating for this wonderful company!
All of our products are created by our artisan partners in rural Honduras overcoming poverty to live empowered lives full of hope.
Now that I’ve shared this great company with you, I would love to hear form you and what YOU think? What do you like about the company and/or what do YOU want from them to add to your jewelry options? You know, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! See below for a coupon to send to your loved one as a GREAT hint!
Use code VDAYFORMOM to offer free shipping for Solo Hope! Can’t beat that – awesome!!
Before you click away, click and learn more about Solo Hope via their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. It’s so much more than unique jewelry!
February 9, 2016 at 2:40 pmThis necklace is FABULOUS! What a great jewelry staple for every woman! And you look amazing as always!
February 10, 2016 at 2:43 pmAwe – thank you!! It is so great! I just packed it for my trip to New York!!