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curbside app :: avoid the crazy stores :: $10 off $20 coupon

disclaimer no giveaway

I discovered the Curbside app a couple of weeks ago. A cashier at Target gave me a postcard and pointed out the $10 off $20 coupon that came with the invite. I’ve got the same coupon to share with you, and more great info. If you get your friends to sign up, you get $10 for each friend! I’m almost on a first name basis with the Curbside employees that work for Target. I’ve been 7 times already. It’s just so crazy convenient when you have a car full of kids and don’t want to drag them into a store. I’ve been picking up last minute Christmas gifts every time I get another $10 credit.

After you sign up HERE, you can see which stores have Curbside service near you (available in the Greater Bay Area, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York/New Jersey Area). For me, Target had Curbside, it’s 4 minutes from my house, and my favorite store in the whole wide world. They work with a large number of retailers such as GAP, CVS, Best Buy, etc. Make you first order with Curbside and use the promotional code: NYLSE to take $10 off your $20 order. This code will also give me a $10 credit, which I thank you for!

Within an hour, you will be alerted that your order is ready. Go right away or pick it up in the next few days when it’s more convenient. You have to leave your location service ON when you use the app. This will alert the Curbside workers when you have arrived to pick up your order. I’ve had them meet me at my car as I pull into the parking space! My longest wait was maybe 5 minutes. It’s a beautiful app that has made my Christmas shopping a dream come true. It’s absolutely glorious to stay in the car with 3 kids and have someone bring you your order. Look for the Curbside parking marked right out in front of the store.

A quick story…So I am getting ready for the Nutcracker this past weekend and as I curled my hair I started to think how a pretty red scarf would complete my outfit. Hmmm…too bad I don’t have one. I sure wasn’t going to brave a store last minute.

Ding– my Curbside app alerted me that someone used my code and I had $10 to spend! I totally ordered a red scarf from my bathroom while I curled my hair. It gets better…

It was $.05 (after my $10 credit and Target redcard discount). It was ready within an hour leaving me plenty of time to spare. Outside of a drone delivering it to my door, this was the next best thing. I buzzed down to Target and from the looks of the parking lot, I was very glad I didn’t have to go inside! I was probably more happy that it was only 5 cents, but the timing was pretty awesome too.

curbside app

There is no better time to try this out then RIGHT NOW when the stores are a zoo. Shop from your phone, enjoy the coupon code (woot woot) to get $10 off $20, get your friends to sign up to get more $10 credits, and get those last minute Christmas gifts with less stress.


Use my code NYLSE to GET $10 OFF at local stores like Target and get FREE ‪#‎Curbside‬ pickup. http://crbs.me/l/95n13p-Avt


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  • katie
    May 30, 2016 at 9:12 pm

    I’ve never heard of this service but think it’s awesome. I’m just thinking of time saved too because when target is busy those lines can get so long!