I know I shared some great bags yesterday but I have two more today and this one is called the Classic by DadGear. All of the bags have different features that we love.
The Classic by DadGear is a diaper bag that is both durable and stealthy. It is manufactured in the United States with high quality materials, they designed it to outlast the diapering years. It has double stitching, tough fabrics, simple styling and colors that will never go out of style. I know most men will chose a dark color and plain for their bag, so this fits that perfectly.
Our favorite feature that is totally genius is the convenient baby wipes window that was placed in the front center of the bag when you open the front flap. How awesome is that? I have not seen this on any bag and it was well thought out. It also comes with integrated stroller hangers and great organization will make your life easier. All pockets are accessible without having to set the bag down. The Classic will surely be the go-to diaper bag for either parent.
This bag can be easily worn across your body or just off one shoulder. It has a comfortable strap making it easy to hang on to. With the numerous pockets on this bag you are able to carry everything you need for your little ones.
So, let’s ask the moms, do you think this is something your man would wear?
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