4 In around the house/ home goods/ organize

don’t find yourself if the dark :: how to prepare for a power outage

disclaimer no giveaway
Winter is coming. Which means, at least here in Michigan, it’s dark. Most of the time. And with the slipping and sliding and ice, it’s the perfect storm for power outages. Here are some tips for preparing for power outages. Keep in mind, if a power outage lasts for over a day, you may need more than what I’ve mentioned here! I’m just thinking of a basic power outage–not the total zombie apocalypse!
First, get a box together with some essentials. Keep the box out of the way, but easy to get to. You don’t want to have to dig through boxes in the dark to find what you need. Here are a few things to include in your box:

1. Light. A strong, working flashlight is key. I recently got this OxyLED flashlight from HisGadget. Not only does it have a strong light, but it also comes with a battery and battery charger. There is also an option to use 2 x CR123A batteries so it’s a good idea to at least keep those in the box in case the original battery runs out and you aren’t able to charge it with the power out. This particular flashlight also has a tactical feature. Candles and a lighter or matches are also great to add to your kit. You can leave these around the house so you can at least get from room to room.  And to make it fun, you could throw in a few glow sticks for the kids.  You’ll thank me later for that one.
2.  Food and water.  I am guessing you probably have these things on hand in your pantry.  But if you’re like me, sometimes you use things up and don’t replace them.  So adding a few bottles of water and non-perishable food is a good idea so you know you at least have a little bit just in case.  Also, a handheld can opener if using canned foods.

3.  First Aid Kit. When there is no power, having a few necessities at your fingertips is a good idea.

4.  Games.  If your family is like mine, good old fashioned board games are still totally cool!  So we definitely have those on hand.  But a lot of people have moved into mostly digital games.  Throw in a deck of cards or two, a puzzle, coloring books (adult or kid versions) or something else that will keep you busy for a while.  Teach your kids what life was like before the internet!

In addition to creating the box to have on hand, here are a few things you should also do now so you’re ready when the power goes out:

1.  Add the power company as a contact in your phone.  This makes reporting an outage quick and easy.  You might also want to add a few local restaurants.  Then you can order some food if they happen to still have power when you don’t (or, better yet, if conditions are driveable go there to eat and warm up!)

2.  Purchase a car charger for your cell phone if you haven’t already.  Your car is one big battery! Use it if you need it!

3.  Make sure you know how to manually open and close your garage.

4.  Have some extra blankets handy.  If the power stay out overnight, it gets cold really fast!  Layer up those blankets on the bed!

5.  Keep some fuel for your grill.  Yes, it may take some time for it to heat up, but the grill is likely your only way of cooking!

Do you have any great tips for a power outage?  Share them here!

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  • hannah
    November 6, 2016 at 10:51 pm

    These are great ideas. It’s a good idea to keep flashlights on each level, and extra batteries also. Often the power is out just in one part of town, so if it’s cold, it could be a good day to go hang out at the library and read a book.

  • Talia
    November 2, 2016 at 11:35 am

    These are good tips! I need to remember the garage door one, as I’ve been stuck without my car before! I do keep flashlights, batteries, and candles where I can find them, though!

  • Yona Williams
    November 1, 2016 at 7:30 pm

    Power outages are the worst…I’m always afraid of the contents of my refrigerator. I’ve been lucky enough not to have gone through one for an extended period of time. We have flashlights and candles on hand in our home.

    • Gina
      November 6, 2016 at 9:49 pm

      Yes! The only perk to living in Michigan is that I can often throw my refrigerated/frozen food in a cooler outside with some snow and it’s all fine!