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When they are eager to learn, you let them learn. My daughter has been walking around our house practically everyday wanting to show us what she has learned and to check her work. We have a little white board at home where we will write little math problems on and she will answer them. She loves this. We do this daily. She strives on learning new things. She is only 6 years old and in Kindergarten. Not only does she do that, but she walks around the house with a note pad, writing down all the words she finds. She will come up to me and ask me what they say and mean. She’s learning! I am definitely not going to stop her from doing that.
I want her to learn as much as possible while she is young. They are like a sponge and soak all this information in. Another tool we allow her to learn with, is her iPad. There are so many learning apps that are very easy for them to learn. One that we love and have been enjoying for several weeks is ABCmouse.com! I am sure you have heard of it. I think it’s one of the most popular apps out there for math and reading.
With ABC mouse, kids are excited to learn and WANT to learn. It’s available on computers, tablets and smartphones. It is an investment but well worth it!
It is hard to sum up in a few words how much ABC mouse can teach your child. With 10 Levels, over 850 lessons and more than 8,500 individual learning activities, your child is surely to learn something they don’t know. I am sure you have seen the TV commercials and ads all over the place, they don’t lie, it truly does make your child want to learn. And they do actually learn even though they are playing games and having fun!
I will continue to let my daughter learn from ABC mouse, until she doesn’t get anything out of it anymore. I may be biased but I think she is pretty smart and above average for a 6 year old. I can thank ABC mouse for that. There are so many great deals to chose from when signing up.
Does your child strive on learning and want to learn more? You need to check out ABCmouse.com! It is from ages 2-8 years old!