Women’s Bean Project started in 1989 as a business that has a mission to help women thrive. They teach women the skills they need to be employed. These aren’t just any women–these are high school dropouts, teen moms, victims of abuse, convicted felons and recovering addicts. These are women who need some help learning how to get and keep a job and Women’s Bean Project can provide that for them. Read more about their mission here.

In addition to providing resources to women in need, Women’s Bean Project makes some amazing food (among other things). Tonight my family had a Women’s Bean Project meal–bean soup, cornbread and brownies. All mixes from Women’s Bean Project. All are made with simple, wholesome ingredients that I like to feed my family. I made the soup in the crock pot while the cornbread and brownies baked in the oven. It was SO good. And there’s enough soup left over for a few lunches, too. (Cornbread was completely devoured!) And it’s super easy to make ahead, too! I love the gift basket options for these! These would make a great hostess gift or teacher gift–giving something useful that gives back to others at the same time.

But don’t totally spoil your appetite with the meal–gourmet popcorn is up next! I’m not talking about the microwave stuff here. This popcorn is the real deal. Make it on the stove and sprinkle on one of the seasoning options–salted caramel, garlic parmesan, coconut curry, chocolate peppermint or pink Himalayan salt and black pepper. I seriously love every option. And I love that I can customize each bowl of popcorn with each kids’ favorite flavor. You can see the chocolate peppermint above. And while you can tell my little guy likes it, I missed getting a picture of him scraping his bowl clean to get every last bit of chocolate-pepperminty goodness!
What products from Women’s Bean Project are most exciting to you?
October 29, 2017 at 10:23 amI think the Meal Time Gift Basket would be a wonderful gift for someone. I like that I’d be helping by making a purchase.
Melissa Storms
October 26, 2017 at 9:58 amI have read about the Women’s Bean Project before and I love that not only do they help women empower themselves but the products are actually very good quality.