Looking down at my 35 week pregnant belly, I can’t help but be excited for our new little miss to get here. Those sleepless nights and pure exhaustion seem a little less daunting the second time around… I know I can do this! We’ve already survived it once! hehe…
With that thought in mind, one of my biggest regrets after my first pregnancy was not being as proactive as I could have been with my overall health. I ate well because baby needed me to, but when it came to physical activity… well, let’s just say I started to grow roots to our couch. Nursing a baby seems like a never ending job! This time around though, I plan on making physical activity a priority! Will I have time to go to the gym? It’s not likely. Will I have a ton of time to exercise? Nope! Baby steps though… it’s the little things that make a big difference.
That is why I’m really excited about the Empower Fitness Cardio Core & More! One way my husband and I like to unwind after a long day is to just chill and watch TV. With the Cardio Core & More, I can work my core muscles and increase my heart rate while doing something I already enjoy… and we all know those post baby bodies can really use some core strengthening after being stretched for 9 months!
Weighing in at 3 lbs, this cardio hoop allows you to maximize your workout with transferable weights. Space them out or group them together to increase or decrease the difficulty. “Creative, fluid movement reshapes your waist, builds power in your core, and gets your heart pumping!”
Empower Fitness also offers a ton of other great workout tools and gear! From kettle bells, to ankle weights, to yoga mats, they have you covered! I recently was at my local grocery store and saw Empower Fitness featured on the end cap. Their reflective gear for you nighttime runners is really cute and super soft!
If you are like most moms I know, Target is one of your monthly (even weekly!) stops when out running errands. Be sure to look for Empower Fitness at your local Target!!