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events worth traveling to mexico city for #traveltips

mexicoHave you ever been to Mexico? If so, where have you been? I have been to Play del Carmen, Cozumel and Puerta Vallarta on all inclusive vacations before.  Have you been to Mexico see any events? I wish I would have know about these events when we visited. These would have been really fun to see.

Traveling abroad has plenty of benefits. The unique experiences in flavor and local culture are chief among those benefits. Special festivals that occur on an annual basis make for some of the best, and busiest, times to visit foreign destinations. One city that maintains allure and fascination thanks to local style and pageantry is Mexico City. Trying to search hotels in Mexico City will reveal a number of lodging options that runs all over the budget map, the location is an ideal spot to experience some of the great festivals the area has to offer. Properties like the Hotel Geneveve Ciudad offers visitors convenient access to all the colorful festivities without breaking the bank, and the city is loaded with accommodations that fill that role. Special events can produce some of the best memories at a destination, and are definitely worth taking the time to experience.semanasanta10

  • Semana Santa As one of the most important religious events of the year, Semana Santa brings a number of festivals throughout Mexico City. Starting the weekend of Easter and carrying on throughout the week, visitors can experience a number of unique events all over the city. The week brings out the unique flair and highlights the heart and soul of the entire country.

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  • Dia de los Muertos
    While often mistaken as Mexico’s version of Halloween, the Dia de los Muertos is a celebration of the lives of those that have passed on. The event brings out a number of interesting foods and sweets, but also features events like parades and parties that are as solemn as they are enjoyable. The entire early fall affair, held over All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day can easily highlight the year for any visitor and become a favorite time to travel to Mexico City.

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  • Dia de la Independencia Mexico’s Independence Day is loaded with good times, great food, and plenty of tradition. Occuring on September 16, the day is highlighted by calls of “Viva Mexico” after the President of Mexico rings a bell at the stroke of midnight. As one of the most important holidays in Mexico, visitors are treated to the deeply patriotic mentality of the locals by experiencing public displays of pride. This special event brings all sorts of events and vendors to the streets, which is a great time to experience some local food and drink.
  • Carnaval While another city hosts a pretty famous version of the same event, before Ash Wednesday the five day party gets going in Mexico City as well. With colorful floats, parades, and nightly activities to choose from, you get a chance to create a number of memories by joining in the party. Photograph opportunities, food, dancing, and much more awaits travelers that visit Mexico City during this special time.

In the end, Mexico City has a way of enchanting visitors with flair, pride, and fun. The city can be crowded during special events, which means adequate planning is a must before embarking to one of the special events. Choosing a hotel in the middle of the action is a great way to save on driving the often chaotic streets of the city, which means more time to enjoy the festivities. In short, a great plan and perfect timing can result in a truly remarkable visit.

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