Instead of asking who wants to be more physically fit I’m going to go with the assumption that we all do. We may have different motivation for an increase in physical fitness (losing weight, fewer aches & pains, increased energy, being a good example for our kids, etc.), but no matter the reason I know that sometimes finding actually the motivation and personal accountability to be more physically active is hard.
As the type of person who likes to create a daily to-do list and who then gets excited to see the items get crossed off, a visual reference of what activity I’ve been doing all day is a HUGE motivation.
Be still my heart when I discovered the the folks from GeoPalz were coming out with a new line of wireless family fitness keys. The iBitz by GeoPalz come in two versions, for adults there is the Unity and for kids the PowerKey.
Both fitness monitors are the same size and come in a variety of different colors. It is also easy-peasy to sync either type of unit to the PowerKey or Unity apps on your iPhone or iPad (see here for a list of currently compatible units).
My favorite part of syncing with my phone is that I can not only monitor my own physical activity for any given day, I can do so as well for each of my children (or husband) who wears an iBitz unit. All they have to do is be within Bluetooth range and just like for my own activity I’m able to see ::
- total steps taken
- distance traveled
- battery power remaining
- hourly breakdown of steps taken
- estimated calories burne
For kids when they sync with the PowerKey app they get to play with their very own virtual friend depending on their activity. We have learned that if there’s no activity the PowerKey app virtual friend falls asleep and is VERY boring. Even when he/she is receiving plenty of energy from a child”s activity there isn’t more than 5 minutes of time they can spend playing in the app (thereby encouraging her to go be active again!).
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iBitz Unity :: $49.99 (for adults)
iBitz PowerKey:: $34.99 (for kids)