1 In adults/ apps/ big kids/ frugal living/ media/ tech stuff/ toys & games

family fun day :: headsup! app

HeadsUp! With four kids ages 8 and under, we don’t go out a lot. So to fill all that time at home, we try to occasionally find a game where everyone can participate. The two and four year olds can’t read nor are they very speedy, but they like to watch and laugh and do their best to distract us while we are guessing in our new favorite game.

The app is called Heads Up! and it’s a game you may have seen on the Ellen! show. The guesser puts the device on their forehead and it is motion-activated. Words pop up and everyone starts giving you clues. If you get the answer correct, you look down and the app knows to go to the next word. If you get it wrong, you throw your head back and it passes to another word.

But here’s the best part: while you’re guessing, the app uses your in-phone camera to record the clue-givers!

(For the record, Maggie is our dog).

Heads Up! appThe app has 8 decks of clue cards that are included in the $0.99 upload, but also has a large selection of other decks that can be purchased in the app.

I purchased this app and loved it so much that I wanted to share it here. As always, opinions are my own.

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  • Ginny
    August 25, 2013 at 2:42 am

    I’ve seen friends post videos of this app. Hilarious!! I have got to try it. Thanks for reviewing it!