When first sweet baby was born it took less than 24 hours to figure out that she was one of those “suck to soothe” babies. By the time she was three months old she had discovered that one of her fingers (oh yes, just the one specific finger) was preferable to those stinky pacifiers that kept falling out and getting lost in her crib at night.
Through those baby and toddler months I was completely okay with her finger sucking habit. She was always able to soothe herself to sleep, calm right down on long car rides, and whenever she got too worked up we could just tell her to suck on her finger to calm down. It was magical! Until we fast forward 6 years and the finger sucking habit became a problem. To sum it up in one word… Germs.
The finger sucking habit was not just for sleeping any longer. It was happening when she was bored, watching television, or riding in the car. Completely a habit, she didn’t even think about it before indiscriminately sticking her finger in her mouth. Twice in as many weeks my beautiful little girl got sick while the rest of us were passed by. Considering the timing and knowing her as I do it was immediately apparent to me that she had eaten those nasty little bugs while out at the gym, church, or just running errands.
Something had to be done and I recalled a friend who had recommended TGuard when her kids had been experiencing the same issues of recurring sicknesses due to their finger/thumb sucking habits. TGuard makes both a FingerGuard (which we used for Miss M and her finger sucking habit) and a ThumbGuard to help kids of all ages break the finger/thumb sucking habit.
A few great TGuard facts ::
- Takes less than 4 weeks to completely break the habit.
- Is made out of FDA-listed, medical grade plastic, and is manufactured in the USA.
- It has a success rate greater than 90%. If worn correctly, the success rate is greater than 95%.
- they offer a 30 day, money-back guarantee (see their site for details)
Having a kid who no longer needs to suck her finger all the time is quite wonderful and if you have a kiddo 3 or older who needs to kick the finger or thumb sucking habit I HIGHLY recommend checking out all the info they offer on the TGuard website!
FingerGuard :: $69.90
ThumbGuard :: $69.90
Connect with TGuard ::
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Sandra VanHoey
April 18, 2014 at 8:14 amThis would be well worth the cost if it works. I had a grandson suck on his until he was around 9, he did he when nobody was watching. He finally quit but some will still do it as adults
Cynthia R
March 13, 2014 at 9:04 amMy former sister in law could have used this, she had such a bad habit
March 12, 2014 at 4:15 pmIt really has made a world of difference for our lives! Miss M used to be the same way. Tired, bored, riding in the car. It seemed like she had her finger in her mouth all the time. No more thanks to the FingerGuard!
Shannon :: owner
March 12, 2014 at 10:35 amFantastic idea! Need to look in to this 🙂
Shannon :: owner
March 12, 2014 at 10:35 amI was just talking with some friends about this habit….and not really knowing what to do. Mine sucks her thumb like it’s her job when she gets tired!!