As a mom of 3 and a family that travels a lot, being able to pack everything you need for baby can be tricky. I wanted to share with you these five must haves that fit right in your diaper bag for when you are traveling to make it a bit easier for you and baby.

What you want to do is invest in two cloth diapers… hear me out on this. I cloth diapered all three of my kids and I know cloth diapering isn’t everyone, but they are waterproof and non absorbent. So, what you can do is put a cloth diaper over the disposable to contain the blowout or mess that may occur while you are traveling.
Always have a spare change of clothes! A change of clothes is necessary not just for baby- but for mom and dad too! Kids will inevitably get carsick or airsick- and usually the unintended target is mom or dad! If you don’t want to reach your destination in dirty clothes, having a spare change of clothes key!
Keep baby’s nose hydrated. With dry air in the airplane and in an air conditioned car these hot summer days, you are going to need to keep baby’s nose hydrated with some nasal saline.Snot sucking devices will also help keep the sinus’ free and clear from congestion which makes them fussy.
Whether you are in an airplane or out and about, your baby is going to come into contact with a lot of germs. Since baby’s immune systems are still developing you will want to take a proactive approach and give baby a probiotic such as Evivo. It is easy to use and scientifically proven crowd out the harmful bacteria.
Pack disinfectant wipes. Just think of all the things sick people that are touching that your baby could come into contact with. Having the disinfectant wipes so you can easily wipe down surfaces before baby gets to it. It will help your baby come into contact with less germs.
These tips and products will be so helpful for you summer travels. Have fun and enjoy your trip instead of being stressed.