We all know Halloween is all about the candy. I get it. It’s super fun for kids to go around and collect tons of candy. But, for so many reasons (allergies, Type 1 Diabetes, food-dye sensitivities, etc.), I love to have candy alternatives to hand out to my favorite trick-or-treaters. Here are four ideas for non-candy treats to hand out this Halloween.

1. Glow Bracelets. These are inexpensive and help keep kiddos visible while they are out trick-or-treating. They can put it in their basket for later or snap it right on to wear.
2. Stickers/Tattoos. These are great for younger kids but even my big kids can have fun with stickers! It’s nice to have something to do after trick-or-treating (besides the obvious devouring of candy).
3. Goodie Bags. These are little bags I like to customize for kids who are close to our family. We have a few kids in our neighborhood with allergies and one with Type 1 Diabetes. I like to make sure to have something a little extra special for them. Depending on the child, there might be a matchbox car, a craft kit, a Mamma Chia Chia Squeeze or a mini Halloween-themed stuffed animal. Yes, it’s more than I give other kids, but I know what it’s like to have to hand over the majority of your candy when you get home so getting something a little extra special is nice.
4. Chia Squeeze pouches from Mamma Chia. My kids are obsessed with these snack pouches! I honestly have to keep them up high on the shelf or my youngest son will eat them all before the rest of us even have a chance to find them.
Mamma Chia’s chia squeezes are packed with only the good stuff–fruit, vegetables and chia seeds. If you’re not familiar with chia seeds, they are king of the seeds in the health food world. They are packed with Omega-3’s (these pouches alone have 1200 mg per pouch), full of fiber and protein and very low-calorie. In these pouches, the seeds become a gel consistency so the texture is kind of a cross between gelatin and applesauce. Mamma Chia’s Chia Squeeze pouches are only 70-80 calories, are all gluten-free and vegan, require no refrigeration and are organic and non-GMO. Can you see why I love these as a candy alternative? The fruit makes them taste sweet but there is no added sugar at all. In fact, my four-year-old’s favorite kind is Green Magic which has kale, spirulina and chlorella. Yeah, he’d never eat that if I just gave him a plate of it! So I’m happy handing these out on Halloween (and saving a few to let my little guy trade his candy for).
Love having some amazing non-candy options for my favorite neighborhood kids!