We’re almost a full week into this new year so it’s probably a good time to start thinking about some goals for 2016. I’m a big fan of setting some realistic goals for myself as we enter the new year…and hopefully I figure out a way to achieve them over the next 52 weeks 😉
Two of my goals are getting & staying organized in the kitchen and working with my youngest daughter to cultivate her love of the kitchen.
Here’s my 2016 confession….I really hate being in the kitchen. Despite my love for food, the kitchen is not my happy place. I only spend time in there when my family is giving me that look of “Seriously? Are we eating any time this century?” or I have hankering for something sweet. I’m pretty sure my kitchen gets more use out of it when it comes to baking than anything else!
But my youngest daughter loves the kitchen! She would sit and watch cooking and baking shows all day if I’d let her! She dreams of being a pastry chef but she’ll pretty much do anything in the kitchen that you ask of her (except maybe the dishes). I’m hoping that the Perfect Bake will help us both as we cultivate her dream!

The Perfect Bake is actually going to help me with both of these goals, but I’ll share more about the organization in a bit. First, let me tell you a little about this cool kit!
The Perfect Bake Pro really is a whole baking system that will revolutionize your time in the kitchen. Included is the Smart scale that connects to your smart-device via a headphone cable or bluetooth, three color-coded bowls, a stand for your iPhone/iPad/Kindle Fire/Android/Nook, oven thermometer, and a free downloadable app.

Simply select a recipe in the Perfect Bake app (or add your own) and select your quantity. Want to make 30 cookies for the school Valentine’s Day party instead of 24? No problem! Perfect Bake adjusts the recipe accordingly! And, because Perfect Bake measures all the ingredients out by weight (which is the most accurate way to measure ingredients), there’s no worrying about trying to fraction out a teaspoon or tablespoon or cup! Just set the suggested color bowl on the scale and add the ingredients until the app tells you to stop.

I love this for my daughter because if she accidentally adds too much of one ingredient, the app recalculates the recipe so it still turns out great. But the app shows her the measurement she should be adding (half cup, two teaspoons, etc.) so she’s still getting the concept of measurements as she prepare the recipe. The app even includes a three part timer so she knows how long to mix, bake and cool!
I know, it sounds like I’m just tossing her in the kitchen with the app by herself but it’s actually a time for us to work together. I’m able to sit back and watch her learn how to read the recipes and select the appropriate ingredients, letting her really try it on her own but am always there for when she gets stuck or accidentally grabs the baking soda instead of the baking powder. Let’s face it…we’ve all done that one before!
The part that I really love about the Perfect Bake app is that it’s also helping me with my second goal — getting organized in the kitchen!
Confession #2: I have no idea what’s actually in my pantry on any given day! Not a huge issue because we’re only minutes from the grocery store but it’s still a frustrating thing when you go to make those cookies you’ve been craving all day and you realize you’re out of sugar. Again. Or your daughter springs it on you that she volunteered you to make cookies for their holiday party…tomorrow!
What the Perfect Bake app does is allow you to log the items you have in your pantry and compare what you have on hand to what you need for a recipe, telling you what you still need to make that recipe. It can also select recipes from the database that you can actually make based on what you do have in your pantry. This is great for when I’m at the grocery store and I can’t remember what I have in my pantry. Just simply open the app, take a look, and now I know what I need to make those cupcakes!

I love how the Perfect Bake system is helping me get more organized but is also giving my girl a little more independence and freedom to explore the baking world!
For more info on the Perfect Bake check out PerfectBakeApp.com! And, for you mixologists, be sure to check out the Perfect Drink — similar concept but this time you’re mixing up the perfect drinks!