Because the service is so popular and because the stylists are trying to provide great choices for such a huge variety of people, getting your Fix may take a little longer than you’d expect – for me it was about a month . I got my first fix in April. Included in the box were a pair of jeans, a pair of earrings. And 3 shirts. I liked the jeans but already had a pair very similar to them. (Which means my stylist was on the right track)! But for various reasons, I didn’t want to keep any of the shirts. I’d heard that sometimes it takes a little time for your new stylist to “get to know you” and so I didn’t worry. When I returned the items, I explained what I didn’t like about each thing so when I was ready for my next fix, my stylist knew even more about my personal preferences. This time I got several items but my favorites were the tie-dyed dress and the black tee shirt. They were both made of the softest material! And were flattering to my figure.
Overall, I love the idea of StitchFix. As a homeschooling mom of four, it’s pretty rare for me to be able to spend time shopping for clothes. Having options delivered to my doorstep is incredible! Also? Even though I’m not a fashionista, I like to look stylish. I can certainly use help with that! I like that even though you pay a $20 fee for each fix, you can put that money towards the purchase of the items that you decide to keep. And I like how easy it is to return the things you don’t want. However, I do have to mention that as a bargain shopper, the prices of the items were more than I’m accustomed to paying. I very rarely pay full-price for clothes. On the other hand…if I were to hire babysitter and go to the store sans children, I’d spend just as much (probably more!) money on the sitter as I would for these items.
StitchFix :: $20 per fix {can be put towards the cost of the items}
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Maria Iemma
June 2, 2014 at 12:07 pmI have been told that I have no fashion sense since I mostly wear jeans and t’s. this service might be something I could use!
June 2, 2014 at 10:55 amThat’s a creative idea for a service. I like their policies too.