I will be honest, the lack of snow here in Michigan has made it somewhat difficult for me to get into the Christmas spirit. Growing up in the midwest, Christmases are almost always white. I can only think of one or two there times where we’ve had a “green” Christmas.
But it shouldn’t matter, right? Snow or no snow, Christmas is here and I need to put my big-girl Santa hat on and pump my house full of the Christmas spirit!
So, despite the lack of snow, we packed up the kids and embarked on one of our favorite Christmas traditions — finding the perfect Christmas tree!

Honestly, my husband probably preferred not laying on a ground covered with snow when cutting down our Christmas tree this year! And the kids still had a blast sizing up the trees, dodging between the sea of green branches and, eventually, finding ours!

Hickory Farms is all about supporting those kinds of traditions — whether new or old, green or white. It’s all about bringing friends and family together!
Whether it’s enjoying their signature Summer Sausage and variety of cheeses with friends, finding that perfect gift for the hardest person to shop for on your list, or enjoying some of their decadent White & Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark while the kids decorate the tree, Hickory Farms has something for every occasion and any budget!

As if their sausages, cheeses and sweets weren’t enough for me to love Hickory Farms, they also support one of my favorite charities and one of my favorite groups of people!
Working to help end childhood hunger in America, Hickory Farms has been a proud supporter of No Kid Hungry® since 2008, contributing more than $4million to its endeavors. And, this year, for every Signature Party Planner purchased during the holidays, Hickory Farms will donate $5 to No Kid Hungry®.

Hickory Farms is also a proud supporter of our U.S. Armed Forces! To help you send a little Hickory Farms care package to your favorite overseas soldier and their family this Christmas, they will provide complimentary shipping to military addresses! Actually, they provide this amazing service year round! What a fun way to send a little bit of home to your overseas loved ones serving our country!
Wow! Just thinking about that actually gets me into the Christmas spirit. Here I am feeling sorry for myself because I don’t have snow and then I remember all of those amazing families serving our country who can’t be with their extended families. Wow! Dose of reality and now I’m humbled! It’s funny how the holidays can do that to you.
We truly hope you are making some amazing memories with your family this holiday season! Thanks, Hickory Farms, for helping me remember how blessed we are this Christmas season 🙂

Compensation and products for review were provided by Hickory Farms via MomTrends. I received a free sample of the product for the purpose of this review and to facilitate a giveaway. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Hickory Farms.
Nicole Feliciano
December 28, 2015 at 11:46 amThat is wonderful to learn that Hickory Farms supports No Kid Hungry and offers such a huge contribution!