4 In big kid gear/ giveaway

go back to school with shoemees :: interactive shoebox {coupon}

I am always on the look out for fun and unique shoes for the kids.  I was super excited to come across shoemees.

Shoemees, made from a leather/suede combo, are breathable and look super comfortable. Ranging in size from 10-1 they are ideal for children 4-9 years old and continue to expand their offerings. At $59.99, they are on the pricer side, but we have a $10 off code (see below) and do make a special gift for lucky little ones.

Shoemees shoes are environmental, natural and very breathable. Check out our waffle design soles that are skidproof, soft and shock absorbant.

They are in the process of expanding their size range, and styles. They have chosen styles that will look great on your children and will also be durable enough for everyday use. Shoemees products are currently avaliable exclusively online.

Part kids’ shoe and part toy, the box it arrives in transforms into a habitat for the plush “Aqua” or “Blaze” which arrive with the shoes. Stickers to decorate along with well-designed graphics a box made from recycled materials, Shoemees makes a fun gift.  We received the Pink and White shoes with the Aqua box.  My daughter just loves the box and toy. While my son got to use the stickers and decorate it.  These shoes are perfect.  They are big on my daughter so she can wear them for a long time.  Which is great.

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Pink and White Aqua shoe and box :: $39.95

Use code “shee2″ for $5.95 off your Shoomees order

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own*

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  • Renee
    July 16, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    Oh those are CUTE!

    • Jaime :: owner
      July 16, 2012 at 2:00 pm

      They are sooo cute…even more so in person!!

    • Melissa
      July 17, 2012 at 12:32 pm

      Hi Jamie

      Thanks for the great review, I am so pleased your children love them, my son sleeps in his shoemees shoes ( blue and white ones) as they are so comfortable.
      My daughter takes her lunch to school in her box, and now all her friends have matching shoemees boxes!!!!
      We are in the process of designing two new character’s they will be out soon.
      Once again huge thanks!

      • Jaime :: owner
        July 17, 2012 at 1:46 pm

        That is so fun…I can’t wait to see the new character’s!! You are so welcome!!