Our little girl turned one a couple months ago, and over the past few weeks I’ve been seeing a ton of pictures pop up on my newsfeed from those early months of her life! It is so amazing how fast little ones grow and how much change can come in just one short year. I think of those first few months and all the snuggles, newborn cries, and firsts and am really just loving the memories! I look at the little toddler now running and climbing and never stopping and I’m so thankful she’s still bringing so much joy just in new ways every day. I remember thinking in even those first few months of her life that she was going to be one who always let us know how she was feeling. I could see it in her huge smile and I could hear it in her little cry.

Now I watch her whole face light up as daddy comes home from work, or I hear her huge laugh when her brother does something so funny she can’t contain herself and I’m reminded of a phrase that I thought described her a year ago. “She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.” I hope she continues to do this and touch the lives of the people she comes in contact with throughout her life.
For her first birthday we created a little time capsule for her to open on her 18th birthday. We put it in a beautiful box that she was given by my brother and his family, and we included notes from her party, keepsakes from throughout her first year, and more! She received a beautiful blanket from Go Tell It On The Blankie that I will also include after she uses it for a couple more years. This blanket tells her story including her birthday, weight and height at birth, and my favorite phrase about her, “She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.” We love this beautiful blanket with silky edges that are embroidered with little details of our sweet baby girl.

Go Tell It On The Blankie did an amazing job taking the information I gave and making a beautiful blanket telling about our little girl! One touch that I thought was so special was that they found gold thread to match her nursery even though it’s not a color they normally carry. Their attention to detail and their desire to make a beautiful keepsake for little ones is what makes this beautiful blanket something so special that our little one will always have. I love that these can be made so uniquely to fit a family including favorite verses, quotes, songs, or even sports teams. Sign up for their email list and receive 10% off your first order!

Our memories from her first days are sweet and each day we are thankful for new adventures and memories in the making.
March 1, 2017 at 2:47 amBeautiful blanket! It would make a great gift! 🙂