Who doesn’t love winter hats? I am all about hats for Ethan. I just love them. So as winter is approaching here in Michigan I have to look for some hats for him. I came across Handmade Naturals on Etsy. And I found this hat: Baby-Grow Organic Hat.

The Baby-Grow hat is 100% organic cotton. It is very soft. The fabric is not thick like other winter hats. It will be perfect for winter or summer. My son gets quite hot, and so I think that this hat will be perfect for him in the winter time because it is thin and breathable. So his head won’t sweat like it usually does with a fleece hat.
The best part about this hat is that I will be able to use this for awhile with Ethan and then I will be able to use it with my next one. (Nope not preg yet) The size is adjust able. On the hat there is 2 points on the top where you can either tie them together for a newborn or tie them separately for a toddler. As my son is not a newborn the picture below shows how it would be tied for a newborn.

I totally love this hat. And in fact so does my son. He loves putting it on and taking it off. He usually can’t do this with other winter hats because they are so big and bulky. But not the Baby-Grow hat…it is thin but yet still will keep his lil head warm.
BUY IT: Baby-Grow Organic Hat – Wintry Forest Stripe for only $15.95. Plus look at all the other fantastic items she has.
WIN IT: Handmade Naturals would like to giveaway one of these adorable hats.
In order to qualify for the giveaway we ask that you visit Handmade Naturals store and leave a comment below as to which striped pattern you like best along with your blog address and name.
Don’t Blog? Please just leave us a VALID email address.
Want a Second Entry? Post on your blog about this giveaway and Handmade Naturals, along with adding our button to your side bar. Then come back and comment a 2nd time with a direct link to your post.
Winner will be chosen at random on September 19th.
Winners will be submitted to Prize Fetch.
September 19, 2008 at 9:41 pmi love the Raspberry Sky
Diana C
September 19, 2008 at 9:17 pmThe black and grey stripe would be my first choice.
September 19, 2008 at 2:05 pmI like the Black and Grey Stripe.
September 19, 2008 at 6:10 amToo cute !!I ‘m talking about your son!! He looks so good in the hat and he looks comfy. My favorite is the Surrender hat.
Count me in
September 18, 2008 at 9:31 pmI like the Wintry Forest Stripe one
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
September 18, 2008 at 7:48 pmi actually really like the black and grey one. I know where I’ll be getting baby gifts! too cute!
Brenda S.
September 18, 2008 at 3:41 pmI really like the Wintry Forest Stripe hat! Thanks!!
September 17, 2008 at 8:21 pmI like the Solstice Stripe hat for my daughter.
September 17, 2008 at 5:41 pmLove the Solstice Stripe
September 17, 2008 at 4:17 pmMy favorite for my daughter Summer is the Raspberry striped hat.
September 17, 2008 at 12:47 amI like the lime w/topstitch. These hats are really adorable.
September 16, 2008 at 11:05 pmI love the solstice stripe hat and the surrender hat. And a lot more to be honest, they are just too cute.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
September 16, 2008 at 9:50 pmGreat stuff on site! I love the heather green striped with blue sooo… cute!! Just in time for winter!
September 16, 2008 at 1:48 pmBaby-Grow Organic Hat – Black and Grey Stripe
September 16, 2008 at 7:12 amHi, liked the winter forest stripe, just great for the weather thats around the corner. Thank you much.
September 16, 2008 at 7:10 amI like the raspberry organic stripe hat (even though I have a boy) – its gorgeous. Good luck all.
September 16, 2008 at 7:09 amHI, loved the solstice stripe. – Really smart items well priced. Thanks.
Cool Crafty Mom
September 16, 2008 at 3:18 amI like the pumpkin hat.
September 16, 2008 at 2:59 ami really like the Raspberry Sky hat. so cute!
angiesparker at yahoo.com
Butterfly Mama
September 16, 2008 at 2:36 amLoved the raspberry one! These are great!
September 15, 2008 at 4:31 pmThe blue, rasberry and grey would look cute on my cutie!
September 15, 2008 at 2:07 pmam into the black and grey stripe also cause it seems more boyish
September 15, 2008 at 2:06 pmam into the black and grey stripe also cause it seems more boyish
September 15, 2008 at 2:55 amThese hats are adorable. My fav is the black and gray stripe.
September 15, 2008 at 12:41 amI like the black and gray stripe. That looks really nice. Thank you so much!
September 14, 2008 at 8:10 pmRaspberry sky would be my favorite!!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
September 14, 2008 at 5:18 amwow how cute thay all are and well i be happy to have any one of them for my little one she realy need’s a new hat
Becky, Tony, Hudson and Walker
September 14, 2008 at 1:19 amMy favorite is the blueberry cream hat..both my boys would look so cute in those hats. They are both very hot natured and always sweat with winter hats…thanks for the find!
September 14, 2008 at 12:55 amI liked wintry forest stripe! So cute! They had lots of goodies!
September 13, 2008 at 5:37 pmI love the Organic Knotted Hat in Lime with contrasting leaf embroidery!
Dana Jae (and Eliza too!)
September 13, 2008 at 5:34 pmThe Raspberry striped one is precious. Very, very cute product lines!
Heather Brandt
September 13, 2008 at 11:15 amI am a fan of the Baby-Grow Organic Hat – Blueberry Cream- for our little boy we are adopting from Russia. We will definitely need a warm hat for him when we return for him this year!
September 13, 2008 at 9:58 amI love the raspberry and blue stripes.
September 13, 2008 at 4:45 amI love the Blueberry Cream one…but they are all so cute it’s almost impossible to decide!!
September 13, 2008 at 4:18 amI like the black and gray.
teacherkrista at gmail dot com
Meredith A.
September 13, 2008 at 2:19 amI really like the Wintry Forest Stripe hat! Cute!!
meredithalexandra (at) gmail (dot) com
September 13, 2008 at 12:06 amI love the “cowboy junkie” hat!
the other clothing in the store are cute also.
thank you.
September 12, 2008 at 11:38 pmI LOVE LOVE LOVE the Surrender! Theie stuff is ADORABLE!!
September 12, 2008 at 7:17 pmI love the Solstice stripe pattern!
urchiken at gmail dot com
September 12, 2008 at 6:16 pmI like the blue and gray striped hat. I also liked the lime colored hat. I don’t know which I like best! 🙂
Really cool stuff in that store though…
September 12, 2008 at 3:45 pmI love the Blueberry Cream hat. Those are so cute! They also have some fabulous baby tees.