We at The SIMPLE Moms wish all of you a wonderful 4th of July! Whether you celebrate with parades and fireworks or a simple family picnic, we hope you find thankfulness in the freedoms we are given here in the U.S.A.

“May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” -Peter Marshall
mom to three, gina is often in the kitchen cooking and baking and has learned how to make just about anything allergen-free for her youngest son. she loves having her backyard filled with friends and soaks up the summer as long as she can. when they get the chance, she and her husband of 18 years love to play soccer, go paddleboarding and go on other adventures together. in what remains of her spare time, gina frequently has her nose in a book and looks for any reason for a girls night (or weekend) out.
July 4, 2017 at 12:46 pmHappy Independence Day to you! Hope you enjoy the day!