Hey there, readers! With a dash of humor and a pinch of procrastination, it’s me, Ginny Logan. It took me almost a month to catch my breath, find my sanity, and shout, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
So, let’s take a moment to reflect on the fact that it’s been a whole 12 years since I joined The Simple Moms as a writer. We didn’t even have our Charlie yet!
Our family has undergone a bit of a growth spurt since my last check-in. Time flies when you’re busy juggling life with a few too many balls, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Behold, the latest family photo – a visual testament to my survival skills. Our kids have evolved into 16, 14, and 10-year-old humans. Jack recently obtained his driver’s license, prompting me to dive headfirst into Jaime’s post so I can figure out the financial acrobatics required for insuring a 16-year-old boy.
Our eldest, Jack, has shot up to an impressive 6 feet 2 inches. I now find myself staring up at a man-child who’s relishing every inch of his newfound height on the basketball court. Annabelle, our resident musical prodigy, has added piano teacher to her resume. Future advice: Start saving for your car insurance, girl! She’s also killing it as a swimmer and volleyball setter. Meanwhile, Charlie, the baby of the family, is our spreader of joy – while keeping us on our toes with basketball and baseball games.
As for Josh and me, we’re still navigating the busy world of working at our kids’ private school and our church. Last year brought some safety challenges to our family, but God protected us. We want to continue to serve our community in California and not be too discouraged when times are difficult.
Blogging has changed over the years for me – fewer reviews, more family adventures. But I’m still here, armed with a laptop and a yearning for soft clicking on the keyboard. I may not be the prolific blogger I once was, but when inspiration strikes, I’m ready to spill my heart out faster than you can say “quirky product review.”
So here’s to a Newish Year filled with laughter, love, and just the right amount of organized chaos. The Logan family is ready for whatever 2024 decides to throw our way!
Sending you all love and some humor,
Ginny Logan and her family
P.S. We may reside in California, but we still make it home for Michigan moments. As time allows, I’ll be sharing some of our adventures we had recently in the Grand Rapids area.

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