Today my girls and I had a chance to hang out with some of our dear friends. As the afternoon progressed so did the silliness, volume level, and destruction. After a few hours I decided that we may need to redirect their energies before meltdowns started occurring so I asked the very noisy crowd, “Would you like to do some crafts?”
There was an instant response of groups “YES!” and much excitement but I told them they first had to clean up their messes before we could start. Honestly, I’ve never seen children move so fast to pick up!
After a speedy clean up job I had 5 kids ranging in age from 3 to 7 years old sitting at the kitchen table ready to let their imaginations run wild. Honestly, I kept looking at them all in amazement as they quietly and cooperatively dug into their individual creations.
Using Red and Green Pom Poms, Red and Green Pipe Cleaners, 2 different sets of Fancy Paper, and a Glue Bear from eeBoo there were 5 very distinct crafts created within 45 minutes. We had a robot, a snowman, a snowman on a very creative scene, a pom pom collage, and what looked to be a caterpillar (that particular artist was 3 and I forgot to ask for clarification so for all I know it could have just as easily been a map of the United States).
Back to these great craft supplies from eeBoo – both my fellow mom and I were equally amazed by the great selection provided in each of these packs! The pipe cleaners and pom poms all came in various sizes and colors (shades of green or shades of red). The fancy papers were appealing to both the boys and girls in our group, and even more importantly, they could hold up to having glue used on them!
Also good to note was that even though it may seem silly to have a Glue Bear it was the most perfect child glue dispenser I’ve ever seen. It was easy to use, the dispenser tip wasn’t overly large (and thus prone to dumping out too much glue even when the kids were using caution), and it fit perfectly into their little hands which gave them more control over the amount of glue used.
Earlier this fall we used these same craft supplies to make a perfect birthday hat for my cousin who was working apple harvest behind our house and there are so many more possibilities for what you, or your littles, can create with these great supplies!
Berry Pom Poms :: $4.99
Chameleon Pom Poms :: $4.99
Turtle Pipe Cleaners :: $3.99
Ladybug Pipe Cleaners :: $3.99
White Glue Bear :: $5.99
Foil Fancy Paper :: $11.99
Iridescent Fancy Paper :: $11.99
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Karen Propes
November 22, 2014 at 5:09 pmLove these crafts, Easy for the family or kids alone. I believe that letting a child create is opening a world of imagination.
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November 18, 2014 at 1:02 pm[…] Reading some nice eeBoo reviews, like these that highlight how GREAT crafting is and this one on why pipe cleaners are good stocking stuffers! Check out all our pipe cleaner […]