In around the house/ gardening/ let's go outside

home maintenance tasks for the summertime

The summertime is great for bringing families together, spending time outside, and taking a break. Did you know it’s also the best time for taking care of those often forgotten home maintenance tasks? Owning a home comes with a lot of challenges, so the more you’re able to upkeep your home, the less you’ll have to deal with. 

Why maintain your home during the summertime in particular? While the spring and the fall are also great for keeping up with your home’s needs, you’ll want to take care of big problems now before the weather starts to drop. When the temperatures get colder, you’ll be glad you took so many precautions. What should you do in the summer? Follow this guide.
home maintanence

Inspect Your Air-Conditioner and Heater

This is the busiest season for your air conditioner and fan, so make sure they’re in the right shape to power through the hotter months. Valley Comfort Heating and Air recommends having your A/C unit serviced at least once a year, and the same goes for your heater. 

Why worry about your heater in the summer when you won’t be using it? Simply so you don’t have to worry about any surprises in the winter. If there is a problem, you have time to fix it before it becomes serious.

Clean Your Outdoor Grill

Do you have an outdoor cooker? More and more families are using outdoor grills to not only step up their cooking but also entertain. Now is the best time to deep clean that outdoor grill, so you’re ready for those fun summer parties. 

For gas grills, turn the heat up to high and let the grill cook for about half an hour. Make sure the lid is closed. Once it’s done, brush off the grill with a grill brush. For charcoal grills, empty the grill and wipe it down completely with hot water. Then you’re ready to get cooking! 

Check Your Deck or Patio

Do you have an outdoor deck or patio? If you have a deck, check it for signs of rotting. You might need to hammer in any nails that might be poking up. If you’re worried about your deck taking too much damage this summer from the heat and weather, consider sealing it. Check this guide for the best wood deck cleaning tips

If you have a patio, give that a good look-over as well. Look for any cracks in your tiles or stones, and fill them in with caulk to prevent further breakage. You can also seal your patio as well, and this is a great way to cut down on cleanings. 

Be a Leak Detective

Leaks around your home are a recipe for disaster. They lead to standing water which attracts bugs and other pests, and they’re also a drain on your budget. Check around your home for any signs of leaks from hoses and exterior faucets. You can cover any small pinhole leaks with regular electrical tape, but talk to a plumber about larger problems. 

TLC Your Landscape

Does your exterior landscape need some TLC? If so, now’s the time to pick up the slack. Replace any mulch to help the ground retain moisture in the hot weather. Dig up any plants that have died during the past season and replace them with summer-friendly options. 
home maintanence
If possible, plan your watering schedule. You can actually train your garden and lawn to endure days without watering. Instead of watering lightly daily, water deeply just a few times a week. This will also promote stronger roots. 

While this should be a summer of fun, it’s also a great time to take care of those small things around the house. With the change of every season comes a new set of maintenance tasks for your home. Prepare for better weather and warm temperatures with these steps above. 

From checking your A/C to making sure your lawn is healthy, these small tasks add up to a happier summertime. You’ll feel so much better once these things are taken care of. 

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