In get healthy

How to Stop Getting Sick So Much

Are you one of those people who always seems to get sick? If there’s a flu bug going around, you’ll get it, if tummy troubles are in the vicinity, guess who’s going to spend their evening on the bathroom floor?

It’s no fun being a sickness magnet, but you know what? You can change that. Here’s how;

  1. Become a Mixed Tocopherols Fanatic

Let’s chat about your new best friends: mixed tocopherols. Sounds fancy, right? They’re essentially a form of Vitamin E  that not only keeps your skin looking fabulous but also boots those nasty free radicals to the curb, giving you the immune system support you need to stop getting sick. You can find them in nuts, seeds, and spinach, as well as supplements. So maybe it’s time to embrace that inner Popeye and start loving your greens (and nuts, because who doesn’t love a good snack?).

  1. Master the Art of Handwashing

Sure, washing your hands isn’t groundbreaking advice, but doing it like a pro can be the difference between staying healthy and sniffling your way through the season. Sing “Happy Birthday” twice or go for the full “Bohemian Rhapsody” solo while scrubbing. It’s not just about duration—make sure you’re hitting every nook and cranny. Think of it as a spa treatment for your hands.

  1. Get Your Laugh On

Did you know laughing might help keep the doctor away just as much as apples? Okay, maybe not scientifically proven to that extent, but getting a good chuckle can boost your immune system. It lowers stress hormones, which can help make your immune system run more smoothly. So, yes, those cat videos are actually a form of health care—keep watching.

  1. Sleep Like Your Health Depends on It (Because It Does)

Instead of glorifying the hustle-and-bustle, 24/7 always-on culture, why not celebrate getting a good night’s sleep? Your immune system is like a smartphone battery—it needs to recharge. Adults typically need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Think of it as plugging yourself in each night. Plus, you can’t get sick if you’re too busy snoozing in dreamland, right?

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  1. Stay Hydrated Like It’s Your Job

Water might just be the elixir of life and health. Keeping hydrated helps every system in your body, including your immune system. Think of your bloodstream as a high-speed highway. When you’re hydrated, it’s like making sure there’s no traffic jam so the immune system’s defense cells can get to where they need to go fast.

  1. Embrace the Great Outdoors

Fresh air and sunlight aren’t just great for your Instagram feed; they’re fantastic for your health too. Sunlight gives you Vitamin D, which isn’t just good for your bones— it gives your immune system a significant boost. Meanwhile, fresh air is filled with negative ions, which can help your body take in oxygen. Nature: It’s powerful stuff.

  1. Foster Strong Relationships

Strengthening your social networks can strengthen your immune system too. People with robust social ties tend to get sick less, probably because they have better emotional and mental health. So, maybe it’s time to plan a weekly game night or a regular coffee meet-up with friends. It’s like taking your immune system to a party.

  1. Break Up with Sugar

Now, we’re not saying you can’t ever have that delectable slice of cake, but moderating your sugar intake can help your immune system out. High levels of sugar in the bloodstream can mess with your body’s ability to fight off bacteria and viruses. Consider it a reason to explore the world of alternative sweets. Ever tried dates? They’re nature’s candy and immune-system-friendly!

  1. Spice It Up With Antimicrobial Goodness

Incorporate more garlic, ginger, and spices like turmeric and cinnamon into your meals. These are not just flavor enhancers—they come packed with antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties. They’re like the secret agents of your spice rack, fighting off pathogens and keeping your immune system in top-notch condition.

  1. Adopt a Furry Friend

Believe it or not, having a pet can boost your immune system. Regular interaction with animals, especially dogs, can improve your heart health and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Plus, those daily walks are great for staying active and catching some Vitamin D.


  1. Dabble in Fermented Foods

Embrace the world of probiotics by adding fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha to your diet. These foods help maintain a healthy gut flora, which is essential for a strong immune system, better digestion, and even improved mood.

As you can see, from befriending mixed tocopherols to laughing at more cat memes, there are tons of things you can do to keep those germs at bay, and even have some fun along the way.

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