In around the house/ baby gear/ tech stuff

i spy with my little eye… :: review

disclaimer no giveaway
levana logoWe are in full on baby mode over here, and I am ONLY looking for things that will make my life easier. That being said, I have a new eye in my life…one that sees things I can’t see.I couldn’t be happier with it either! I have been using the My Levana baby monitor for a month now and not once have I had a problem with it, nor have I wished I had a different one. Being that I just had my fourth baby a few months back, I would say I have given quite a few baby monitors a try! When it comes to video baby monitors, this one has rocked my socks off! I have to share with you 5 things I love about the Levana Keera Baby Monitor:

ONE ::
Super easy to use. It works by touch and you can pan/tilt/zoom…you can do it all! Once you are in the menu, it’s still touch and again, so easy to use!

TWO ::
Multi-room viewing. We have a camera in my baby’s room as well as my daughter’s room who share a room. They need about as much supervision as the baby does lol!


You can talk through the monitor. Absolutely KEY when you read number TWO reason above…the second portion of the statement. It’s completely necessary to have this ability when your hands are full. The kids just need to know they are being watched sometimes 😉

There is a private “ClearVu” Digital Signal. With all the talk these days of baby monitors being secure enough, it’s nice to know there is a little more security with this monitor. In more detail, they are specifically made with a secure 750 ft signal (developed exclusively by Levana) so that no one can get the signal. No interception. No creepy person talking to your child, like we have all seen on YouTube or Facebook. Boom!


While we haven’t used this feature yet, you can record video and take pictures!! WHAT?!?! 🙂 If that’s what you are looking for, this monitor has it! Also, lullabies. This monitor has three lullabies to choose from.

You can even watch your little jail bird do things they aren’t supposed to do. Most recently, we found our 7-month old standing up in the crib that we hadn’t lowered yet. Thankfully, we saw it on the monitor and as soon as we got down there, out she came and down went the crib!

levana in use

Bottom line, I’m a busy mom and have three older girls that need my attention AS WELL AS my baby. Since I can’t be in two places at once, I trust the keera baby monitor to be the eyes in the room for me when I can’t be there. Can’t say enough good things about this monitor!! Don’t just take my word for it, check out the video below.

So, talk to me…what do YOU think???

levana keera baby monitor :: $219.99 + free shipping from the Levana site!

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