I’ve been hearing about the amazing nutritional benefits of tart cherry juice for a long time. From muscle recovery to better sleep to overall health, the research is pretty overwhelming that tart cherry juice has real health benefits. But when I tried tart cherry juice in the past, it was pretty tough to drink. I couldn’t just drink it straight so I had to mix it with another juice to try to get the flavor just right. And in doing so, I’m not sure how much cherry juice I was really drinking. Cheribundi has taken the guesswork out of that for me! Cheribundi blends tart cherry juice with other juices to make a 100% juice that tastes a bit like cherry pie and has 50 cherries in each bottle. As you can see, even my three-year-old happily drinks this juice (and he is the pickiest eater I have ever met).
With the outstanding amount of research done on tart cherries, it’s no wonder the tart cherry is dubbed “America’s Super Fruit”. Tart cherries have a high dose of antioxidants known to repair cell damage and battle free-radicals. And drinking 8-ounces of Cheribundi cherry juice a day for just seven days is enough to start to notice a difference in the way you feel and sleep. Cheribundi’s 7-Day Challenge is for anyone who would like to decrease aches and pains while improving sleep and athletic recovery. Studies have even shown tart cherry juice can reduce your risk of stroke, protect your heart and decrease cholesterol. If you sign up for the 7-Day Challenge, you can get free coupons to try Cheribundi juice and see if it can make a difference for you. My family loves it–we drink it straight out of the bottle (as you can see) and I’ve started using it when I make kombucha as well. How would Cheribundi cherry juice help you and your family?