4 In frugal living/ get fit/ get healthy/ money saving tips

jillian michael’s 30 day shred :: 20 minute workout dvd :: new year’s resolution idea

Jillian DVDSo basically this year is a bust. Yesterday I had McDonald’s for breakfast, cinnamon rolls for lunch, and pizza for dinner….and then pizza again for dinner tonight. When I fall off the healthy eating wagon, it is baaaaaad. Like the rest of the world, I do try to kick some ugly, bad habits when we start off a new year.

As a mom, it can be very difficult to find time or space {literally, my home is small} to exercise. I suggest you start off with a reasonable goal. I can usually do the 30 day shred DVD with my kids, they think it’s fun, or during naptime. It’s roughly 20 minutes! Commit to trying to do the DVD 3x a week. I know, it says on the DVD that it’s a 30 day program and you can shed up to 20 pounds… I’ve NEVER done it 30 consecutive days or lost 20 lbs, but it has given me great toning results, I can kick a few stubborn pounds, AND exercise keeps me sane. If I’m having a bad day, I can pull out this DVD and it’s a quick reset for me. If I’m home with sick kids and it’s been rainy for days on end, this is a good release for all of us.

HERE we are in our tiny living room on a few occasions working out with Jillian.

Does exercise intimidate you? I promise this DVD is easy for the most beginner of exerciser and yet it adds more advanced options as you gain confidence, endurance, and strength. There are 3 levels in the DVD (each level is 20 minutes). As you conquer a level, you move to the next one. For example, I usually do level 1 for a few weeks before I’m ready for level 2. I’ve done level 3 a handful of times because I’m pretty lame and weak. haha It’s nice to know I have room to improve and maybe one day I will conquer level 3. Within each level there are 3 girls to follow so you have even more options based on your ability.

Try before you buy! Level 1 is free on YouTube! HERE is the link. As you can see, you will combine cardio, strength, and core (abs) training. Boom…20 minutes later you can check EXERCISE off your to do list for the day.

If you follow my posts, you know I’m a frugal freak. This DVD is usually less than $7 on Amazon. No expensive gym membership needed to get fit in 2016. I’ll be dusting off my DVD is a few short days. I don’t have the attention span, endurance, or time to do a longer DVD so I’m so thankful this one gives me results and fits in this season of life I am in with little ones. Good luck!!!


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  • katie
    May 28, 2016 at 7:13 pm

    I got this on amazon instant video and I can’t believe how tired I felt after a few jumping jacks haha. I might have to try it again but lately I’ve been trying to fit in 3 days of running on the treadmill for every week.

    • Ginny
      May 30, 2016 at 3:27 am

      It is amazing to me as well how sore I can get! It’s a good one for sure! Keep up the good work!

  • Paula Caudill
    February 1, 2016 at 4:24 pm

    Hope to try this, I’ve been doing Tae No , and would like a change. Thank u!

  • Angela Saver
    December 29, 2015 at 4:22 pm

    I am excited to try this! Thanks for sharing!