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jump start your morning with the pop clock by no. 8 brands and nanda home :: review

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no 8 I am not a morning person. Therefore, my kids are not morning people either. Except, of course, on Saturdays when we all could {theoretically} sleep in and then they are all gung-ho about jumping out of bed to greet the day at 7:02. During the week, though, getting them out of bed is no joke. They pretend to be sleeping, they ask for five more minutes, they pull the covers over their heads. I thought this behavior was reserved for mothers and teenagers, not kids under the age of 8. But I digress. And now they have no place to hide.

The Pop Clock by No. 8 Brands and Nanda Home has changed our morning game altogether. Imagine this: the time is 6:59. Your kids are peacefully slumbering…..and BAM! 7:00 hits and the alarm not only starts buzzing but literally leaps out of the base and will not stop chirping until your little (or big) snoozer jumps up and puts it back in. Think “POP! goes the weasel!” Oh yes. It is poetic justice in so many ways. And effective, too.

Allow me to demonstrate:

So, you see, this friendly little monster will add a little bit of whimsy and a whole lot of action to your morning routine. I have actually considered putting Gilbert (each character has his/her own name) in my room to encourage a speedy exodus from my own bed in the morning. But every time I suggest it, my kids beg me not to take him out of their room. To be honest, their reaction each morning is enough to rouse me out of bed anyway. Available at Bed Bath & Beyond, check out the full line of colorful characters that are sure to have you kid leaping out of bed laughing each morning! gil

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Pop Clock (green, Gilbert)  :: $19.99

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  • Laurie
    February 21, 2014 at 11:48 am

    Cute! I need one for me…my kids are early risers and I’d rather not be!