This is Blade and Rose. Born out of an idea from a mommy on maternity leave, Blade and Rose has risen to be a wonderful brand of children’s clothing and accessories that is quality and cute.
I recently had the opportunity to review a few pair of leggings from Blade and Rose. I was in LOVE the moment I opened the package. Expecting a new little girl has been a lot of fun for me, and a large part of it has to do with the adorable clothing I get to enjoy now! haha… These cute leggings appear to be high quality. They are super soft. The material is dense (“dense” seems like the wrong word, but when you look at cheaply made clothing you can practically see through it… so dense is the best word I can use to describe it!), but it is also lightweight. The stitching is great and I do not notice any flaws upon inspection.
So lets talk cute factor… How CUTE are the designs on the tushie!?! As a cloth diapering mama, I am excited about the stretch these leggings offer, while at the same time making that cute little tush even MORE adorable! Who doesn’t love flowers, elephants, stars and firetrucks?? 🙂
I would definitely recommend Blade and Rose if you are looking for adorable accessories that are both stylish and functional! Crawling baby? These leggings are a must if you ask my opinion 🙂