We are using the digital version of Teaching Textbooks 3.0 for Math 3, Math 5 and Geometry. In these pictures I have captured my daughter’s second lesson for Math 5. As you can see your child will have the teacher lecture them and then will go into numerous practice questions. When the lesson is over a grade will be logged into the grade book for their daily lesson.
I love that during each lesson your child’s chosen character will encourage them as they do their math assignments. They can even choose their own wallpaper to help personalize their online math workbook.
If you have not purchased your math curriculum I would definitely go with the NEW 4.o Version! It will allow you to do math anywhere you go since it will be mobile friendly. This is a great option so that your family can travel while you are homeschooling. We are hoping to take more family trips now that we have chosen to homeschool again.
All three of my children are enjoying learning and even choose to do multiple lessons. You can’t help but be proud of your child when they choose to learn more that what is required daily. Teaching Textbooks is the only online curriculum we are using.
Will you be using Teaching Textbooks this school year?
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