I’d love do say “I’m asking for a friend” but, I’m not. I’m asking because, after what felt like a low-key Winter, our Spring has ramped up full force! Sure, Spring just officially started a week or so ago, but already we’re feeling the pressure of getting the house in order. Making lists of which projects we’ll tackle first. Planting gardens. Getting the yard back in shape. Taking kids on field trips. Driving kids back and forth to softball/baseball practices. Bam!
Don’t get me wrong; It’s all great stuff. It’s just busy stuff. And often times I forget to take a few moments of not running around. Of sitting for the sole purpose of just sitting and not to make out more lists or check emails or schedules. Just a few moments of pure relaxation and peace.
For me it all started with creating a space that felt peaceful.

Now, let me back up just a bit and say that we have a really small house. Some like to call it “quaint” but I just call it small. So we don’t have any extra space for me to create my own Zen Space. My space is our living room/sitting room and is shared with the whole family, including the very energetic kids. Seems counterintuitive but roll with me for a bit.
What it has ::
First, it is the room with the most amount of windows and, therefore, the most amount of natural light. Natural light just makes me happy. It even has two skylights, which make me really happy. The windows also provide for some great breezes and fresh air during the warmer months. Summer breezes are divine!
During the winter months, it also has a nice crackling fire going most days. The warmth and sound of the fire are super relaxing and they make up for the lesser amounts of natural light coming in during those months.
Comfortable furniture.
Diffuser. While our diffusers do make their way around the house for who might need it most at that time (especially during cold/flu season and allergy season), we try to keep a diffuser going in the living room with some relaxing oils.
And plants. Be it fresh cut flowers or potted plants, greenery in a space just seems to invite a feeling a calmness. Happiness. We recently added a Fukien Tea Bonsai tree to our living room space from ProFlowers’ line of Bonsai Trees & Tropical Plants and it is just the cutest little tree!

It doesn’t take up much space (which is perfect in our “quaint” space) but it brings a bit of nature’s peace indoors.
What it doesn’t have ::
Equally as important as what our Zen Space has is what it is lacking.
Most people are surprised by the lack of TV in our living room. And understandably so. Most living rooms in America are centered around the TV. But we didn’t want that in our space. We wanted this room to be space where people could sit and read; rest; or have conversations. The presence of a TV just took away from that.
Toys. Ok, occasionally you’ll find toys in our living room, especially on a rainy or cold day. Then the living room floor might become LEGO central. But on most days we keep the toys contained to the playroom in the basement. It just helps to keep a separation between a play space and a rest space. And my kids have actually loved this idea! They know they can be rambunctious and playful in the basement or outside but then can snuggle up with a book with limited distractions in the living room.
Now this last one can be hit or miss. And I’ll be first one to admit I struggle with it — phones, iPads, computers. Are you cringing now, too? It’s tough! We’ve conditioned ourselves to be attached to those little smartphones or devices and yet they really do rob us of those moments of zen. DING! There goes another email. DING! A text or reminder about another commitment. RING! and now your mother-in-law is calling! Good-bye peaceful moments! {just me?} Sitting in a space that is free of phones, tablets and computers frees you just take a few moments to relax. No emails. No texts. No phone calls. Nothing. Just relaxing. Centering yourself.
Here’s a little hint I’ve figured out :: those emails, texts, and phone calls will still be there when you leave your Zen Space. You’re not missing anything! Mind. Blown.
How do you create a space of peace, calming and zen in your house?
Thanks to ProFlowers for sponsoring this conversation. As always, all opinions are our own. #BringOnZen
May 20, 2016 at 11:40 amWe don’t have an area of zen as of now but hope to when we move by adding lots of plants and I want to start using essential oils too.
April 1, 2016 at 9:42 pmOh…I do need to bring some peace and calming into the house! I have heard of Zen…but have not incorporated it into our home before. I really do love the Bonsai Trees & Tropical plants!!!
March 31, 2016 at 11:42 amI love your conscious effort to have a relaxing space! I am not as successful, but I do try to keep my bedroom free of clutter (other rooms, nope) and diffuse eucalyptus oil there.
April 5, 2016 at 3:06 pmOh Talia, trust me when I say that the rest of my house doesn’t exactly hit the “relaxing” mark! My home office is kind of the worst! Good for you on keeping your bedroom free of clutter! Clutter is a big “relaxation” killer for me. Not the easiest thing with three kids in the house 😉