Here’s the kicker…it’s not a traditional chocolate flavor. When I heard the flavor, I was kinda like…ohhh. But, I gave it a shot and oh dear goodness…you guys!! If you love chocolate and if you love strawberries…ahh! You will love this! My first bite just melted in my mouth. I was only going to do one of the little square you will see below in the picture. However, I had three…THREE!
When my husband came home from work that day, I made him try it. He was hesitant as well. He doesn’t venture out at all when it comes to food. After all, he is a meat and potatoes man through and through. Once I convinced him this was utterly amazing, he dove in. I believe he may have even had more than me in the first taste test.
We are sold. I can’t say I will venture out in my chocolate tastings OTHER than via Lindt. I am 100% behind this flavor. You have to try it too!
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lindt strawberries & creme chocolate bar :: $3.50 on the Lindt site, or check it out at your local Lindt store!