When it comes to fashion and frills, our house has the whole sha-bang covered. Between myself and my three little fashionistas, we love us some fashion! We recently received some loveliness from Livie & Luca for two of my girls. And my oh my!
For starters, look at the boots and other options below. While we didn’t receive these, I still had to share the love. Are they so cute!

And these…I. think. I. need. them. They are SO darn cute! I had such a hard time NOT going and buying these right away!!!

And these…they would match the women’s version…oh how fun of a post I can see in the future here!!

Anyways, on to what we DID receive. My two oldest each received a pair of shoes for their Back to School and Fall Fashion needs this year. The construction of these shoes can’t be compared to something you would get at a big box retailer. This is high quality craftsmanship and I couldn’t be more happy. I mean, if you are going to spend the money on something, you want it to last…right? These will. The accents on the shoes aren’t just slapped on either. They are on there tight and firm. I do not worry that when my children are away at school that the accents will fall off during recess.

On to the fashion element. You saw them, what else can I say! They are fabulous! I had such a hard time choosing what pair for my girls. I brought them in to give their input and they had three pair EACH picked out LOL! Momma’s going to go broke raising these three girls (four come January!!) I love it though, honestly! Hey, it you are going to do it….you may as well love every second and do what you can, right? 🙂
Livie and Luca are stunning, perfect, quality and one of my first choices when shoes are needed. I have pairs that I have purchased on my own and have them at my home still as hand me downs for younger sisters. This is the first time I personally have had Livie and Luca on here sharing with you all and can’t WAIT to share more as the seasons change. Because you know they are going to come out with more awesome-ness in the Spring and next Fall…and on and on! 🙂
blossom navy patent shoe :: $54
bluebell gray patent shoe :: $59.50
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the fashionista :: shannon is a wordy, type-A OCD momma to FOUR little ladies and wife to her perfect match of 14 years now. she will run for fun, emotional stability, drinks and more importantly {chocolate}. shoes, bags, baubles and cute babies are her vice. she loves anything fashion and is loving every second of having 4 little fashionistas in training! {life motto :: Phil 4:13}
Find more of Shannon on her blog, twitter, pinterest, facebook, instagram and Google+.
it's all in a good pair of boots! :: review {@livieandluca #fallfashion #realmomstyle}
October 29, 2013 at 2:08 pm[…] I’m always on the lookout for fabulous shoes. Looks can be SO deceiving though when it comes to shoes! They can look outstanding on the outside, but once you put them on…you quickly return them to the shelf and move on. I have had that happen one too many times. The shoes just aren’t comfortable. […]