OK…so is this the cutest thing EVER!! What is it about babies and their blankies? So I gave this blanket to my 4 month old daughter and the first thing she did with it was stick her thumb in her mouth and rub the blanket on her face. If you are looking for a nice, long lasting blankie, high quality blanket for either your own child or to give as a gift, ACTING OUT DRESS UP has this awesome baby blanket. The recipient will love this blanket! It comes in blue and pink. It comes packaged nicely in a see through bag and it has a tag that explains what that blanket is and the song it plays.
Not only is it super soft, but it play music as well. If you press the star on the blanket “Brahm’s Lullaby” plays. And you don’t have to worry about the music running out on this one…all you have to do is replace the batteries. Iit is super easy to get to for us parents, tucked away in a little velcro pouch. Also, there is an on and off switch in case you are hearing a little too much lullaby!
GET YOUR OWN!! Click here to find out where you can buy one.