And the cutest little blonde spit fire you’ll ever meet.
Don’t get me wrong, Claire is actually a fantastic eater considering most 2 year olds.
But my goodness the energy and focus on this kid. She doesn’t want to sit still for a meal if there is running around and playing to be had.
And you can *forget* a traditional booster seat to keep her “tied down”.
She flat out refused a booster seat by the day she turned 2 and, although I run a pretty tight ship, I ended up just choosing my battles and letting her just sit up on her knees to eat her meals. Food was being eaten, toddlers were happy…so mama was appeased.
After countless seat washes per week (why did we buy chairs with fabric?!), you can imagine my anticipation to try the new booster seat cushion from Luv-Chicken I was sent!
Claire was SO excited – her very *own* cushion (and don’t you dare call it a booster seat – those are for babies 😉 )
She loves the great colors, and mama loves how it puts her up at the perfect height to sit on her bottom at the table.

The cushion covers the entire seat and easily wipes clean so I haven’t had to scrub at a fabric seat for weeks! The bottom of the cushion is a non slip rubber, so my little wiggle worm can move around without falling off. She sits at the table for her whole meal and is happy as a clam.

The cushion is very light weight and has a great handle so taking it along to a restaurant, movie theater, or Grandma’s house is easy!

“flower power” cushion (4”) :: $45.00
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Laura J
March 5, 2014 at 6:12 pmOh that would be perfect for Carter! We have a step stool type thing he sits on to be tall enough for the table. That would be great to get in in a regular chair! I love that they are no slip and easy to clean!