Sun protection is important when we are talking about the little ones. I know we have shared several posts about either sunscreen or other types of protection you can do while out in the sun. I wanted to share with you this company I have worked with called Shēdo Lane.

Shēdo Lane is a luxury sun protection apparel brand that appreciates the synergy resulting from the perfect blend of form and fashion. Utilizing the highest rated, UPF 50+, UV sun protective fabric in complimenting styles, we bring sun protection clothing to its highest form. Whether it is a morning walk on the beach, a playdate at a favorite playground, an afternoon cup of tea on the patio, or drinks with friends around the pool, Shēdo Lane keeps you covered from the sun’s rays – and looking your best. Our fondest memories and most special moments are often when all the pieces seem to magically align and create something wonderful.
Shēdo Lane sun protective apparel brings together the function and fashion – so you can indulge in the sun and get on with living your dreams!
As it is snowing and pouring rain here in Michigan, I still trying to think of the sun and summer. Gotta do something to cheer us up during this gloomy time of the year. As I said before, sun protection is one thing you really need to think about with the little ones. Shēdo Lane is definitely a company that I will be turning to, to keep my Miss C covered while out in the sun. As much as I am all for using sun screen on my kiddos, sometimes just being able to put a clothing item on them is easier.

We got to try out the extremely soft (and I really mean extremely soft) UPF 50+ onesie in two colors. The cozy soft bodysuit on their skin will keep them snuggly, while the versatility of this piece is friendly to on-the-go mothers.
- UPF 50+ Sun Protection
- Machine Washable
- Tagless Neck
- Envelope neck opening
- Gusset popper fastening
It’s the perfect onesie to keep those babies protected. Not only do they have these adorable onesies but they have many other fantastic items, for boys and adults.
Hurry and check out Shēdo Lane. Come back and tell me what your favorite is.