What do they do with all of those previously non-recyclable or hard to recycle wastes? They turn them into affordable marketable products! The TerraCycle team sent us school supplies that we could use for homeschool. My oldest claimed the Doritos journal the moment I opened the package! And we’re not talking flimsy little notebooks and binders. These are nice, sturdy items. TerraCycle not only has these kinds of school supplies but also lunch bags and backpacks and art supplies.
They also have a huge selection of non-school items. I was blown away by the variety of upcycled products they offer. From cleaning supplies to gardening tools and fertilizers, home decor, jewelry, and even furniture! They even have an entire section devoted to upcycled gifts.
If you’re interested in joining any of the TerraCycle Brigades, go here to find out how.
If you just want to purchase recycled products, click here.
Wrapper 3-Ring Binder :: $10.95
Clipboard :: $7.99
Small Journal :: $12.00
Spiral Notebook :: $8.99
connect with TerraCycle ::
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