Has there ever been a better motivation? A mother’s love will drive a woman to do the unthinkable. To question all logic. To dig deeper than anyone would ever expect someone to go. To go to lengths that seem physically impossible. The will to protect their child… that is the bond that ties all women together. The love for our children unites us in a way that nothing else can. THAT is a mother’s love!
When Maty was born with multiple heart defects, her mother knew she had a long road ahead of them with the end goal being the health of her daughter. You can read their story HERE. After years and years of research, many late nights, and successfully treating her daughter naturally… Maty’s mom wanted to share some of her natural remedies with other mothers who were up late at night searching for ways to keep their children happy and healthy! Maty’s Healthy Products was launched!
As a mom, I feel the desire to protect my child with every fiber of my being. One of the ways I have chosen to do this is through healthy all natural remedies. I want to preface this by saying that I am by no means against traditional medicine and am thankful for our doctors and medical technology! BUT if I have the ability to treat my son’s ailments naturally, I always reach for those products first.
It just so happened that Maty’s came at a perfect time for us! My little guy, who almost never gets sick, got hit with a nasty bug that left him with a fever and a terrible cough. Maty’s Organic Cough Syrup was a godsend. Not only did my son enjoy the flavor (made from honey!), but it seemed to really help alleviate his yucky cough. While my son isn’t a fan of having anything rubbed onto his skin, the Vapor Rub definitely helped him breathe better as he recuperated on our sofa.
So if you are looking for natural products that may help with your overall health, check out Maty’s Healthy Products!
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October 19, 2015 at 6:57 amI always love being introduced to new brands. I will most definitely have to check these out.