Like a lot of families we have allergies in our house. Both my husband and I, as well as our 5-year-old all have severe allergic reactions to various things.
Out of all the various possible allergic reactions in our house the one that worries me the most (after watching diligently over my 5-year-old to avoid peanuts) is my insect sting allergy. The last time I was stung by a bee was over 10 years ago and I had a very bad reaction. So bad, in fact, that since then I have carried an EpiPen as a precautionary measure.
After having kids I started worrying about what would happen if I was stung and needed the EpiPen to be used but was unable to do so myself. Would my kids (only 3 and 5) be able to explain what I needed? Would they know? Would a stranger happening upon us know what to do?
To help even the odds a bit in my favor, I decided that it would be helpful if got a medical ID bracelet. I was dragging my feet a bit on actually getting one though as I thought I was going to be stuck with the same old style that I remember my elderly relatives having when I was a kid. In a word, ugly.
Imagine my excitement when I found out about the wide selection of Medical ID Bracelets available from Hope Paige! Hope Paige offers medical ID bracelets in multiple styles for men, women, and children. With choices ranging from rubber to gold/sterling silver or stainless steel to paracord, there’s bound to be the perfect bracelet to fit your needs and personal style.
I’m personally wearing a Beaded Style Stainless Steel – Medical ID with my personalized message on it. For me this personalization includes my allergy details, instructions to administer my EpiPen if needed, and the ICE (in case of emergency) contact info for my husband.
Beaded Style Stainless Steel – Medical ID :: $29.95
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