2 In baby gear/ clean it up/ fashion/ little fashions

must have products from boogin head

disclaimer no giveaway
It’s no secret that baby’s are messy and love to suck on things. Every time I turn around, Charlee is putting something in her mouth. Whether it be a toy or an item that doesn’t belong in her mouth, she always finds something. I know it probably isn’t a great idea, but as soon as I see her put something in her mouth that doesn’t belong, I give her a paci. My first two kiddos didn’t put anything in their mouth except a pacifier and food.  So, having one that puts everything in her mouth makes me more cautious. With that being said, I try to have items readily available for her that are safe.

I have found the perfect items to help me with this at BooginHead.  Now, we have shared several other products with you from BooginHead, such as the fun splat mat and sippigrip, you can check those out here. I want to share with you a few products that I just love. First one is the, bandana teether, the love print is my favorite.  Loved it so much we also got a pacigrip to match it.

boogin head

While getting a grip on drool, your baby can easily massage their gums with the silicone teether! This teether bib is a stylish bandana bib for drooling and teething babies. The attached silicone teether massages gums and the soft cotton bib keeps baby’s clothes and skin dry.

boogin head

While the love pacigrip is super fun, I wanted to share with you the silicone pacigrip. It fits all pacifier types and is made of textured food grade silicone. The strap is soft on gums for teething babies and has a strong clasp that won’t pull off, but is gentle on clothes. It is great for holding small toys and teethers. I just love that it is washable and durable.

Last but not least, we have a fun new bib that has come to BooginHead, it’s the Monster bib. Dottie is full of fun and very functional.  The zipper pouch can be used to store utensils and snacks while traveling. Baby will love the happy monster mouth for catching the mess!

boogin head

We have been using this bib and it has been catching all of our spills and messes. With bright and fun colors, they will love wearing this time and time again. These are my must have products from BooginHead, what would be yours?

What do you do to keep your baby safe from putting certain things in their mouth?


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  • Carly
    January 25, 2017 at 7:18 am

    what an ADORABLE idea…and so innovative. Baby gear just keeps getting better and better….

    • Jaime
      January 25, 2017 at 9:25 am

      Your so right Carly. I keep thinking what will they think of next. It’s always something. =)