My husband and I are complete opposites in some ways! This can sure make life interesting in some aspects, but it also gives balance to many areas of life. I won’t go into all the details now, but one of our biggest differences is our organizational systems. To say it simply, he organizes everything, in very much detail, and I often lack any system at all.
With that said, I do like things organized and I love keeping a clean home, but there is no real rhyme or reason to my way of doing both of these things. Having kids has definitely brought us closer to a middle ground in this area as I’ve realized my need to plan things out a bit better, and he’s realized that having kids can throw a specific plan off in many different ways.
So, after our daughter was born, I decided I needed to come up with some sort of cleaning “schedule” so that I could stick to a routine when it came to daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal cleaning. My list is not all inclusive at this point and is still developing, but I’d love to share what has worked for me over the past couple months. I’ll also share some great new cleaning products I’ve been using along with my new system.
Wipe down bathroom
Sweep floors
Make beds
Wipe kitchen counters
Clean up toy room
Wash dishes and clean sink
One load of laundry
Wash all bedding
Mop floors
Deep clean bathroom
Clean kitchen appliances
Wash mirrors
Wipe down washing machine and dryer
Monthly (or some seasonal, depending on your home):
Clean out refrigerator
Clean out pantry
Wash windows, curtains, blinds
Shampoo carpets
I considered picking a day for some of the weekly things, but found that for me a looser schedule works better. It fits my personality and also allows for flexibility for last minute plans.
I recently started using some of the cleaning products from EveryDay Happy! I love both the All-Purpose Cleaner and the All-Glass Cleaner, but my favorite is the Power Sponge. It has been a great way to get rid of little spots that are tough to get, and has been my go-to for both the stove and the bath tub.
Having a system has been a big help keeping things clean over the past few months! What are some of your tips to keeping a clean home?