Not just another eco friendly detergent, Safonique is the first to introduce pure aromatherapy into the market. Infused with natural essential oils, known for their holistic therapy, Safonique uses the soothing scent of lavender to help you relax your mind, body and spirit making your laundry experience a time of meditation and relaxation, Safonique is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, free of phosphate and chlorine, and does not contain petroleum-based ingredients or dyes. Safonique does not implement optical brighteners in its formula, yet the cleaning power and results are fantastic.
The other day, my husband got a bunch of pizza sauce and grease on his khaki shorts (or I should say my 1 year old son made the mess! haha). I completely forgot about the stain and threw it into the wash without pretreating it. I only remembered the stain when I pulled them from the dryer… what surprised me was that there WAS no stain! It was completely gone. No pre-treating. Nothing! Only a normal amount of Safonique in the wash.
The packaging that Safonique comes in is very unique. It is a little harder to measure than your traditional “cap and bottle” laundry detergent, but what is great about this packaging is that it minimizes the amount of plastic used compared to traditional packaging.
If you are looking for a great alternative to traditional laundry detergents, check out Safonique!
Safonique :: $9.99 (Amazon pricing)
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