I know a lot of you are reminded about all our amazing giveaways by the sidebar that includes them all. Well, we made an oopsie and forgot to add TWO great giveaways ending soon. I thought I would just throw this out there so you can see and make sure you are entered if you want to be!
As always, feel free to share with your friends too!
Chasin’ Cheeky Ring Toss Game from Hasbro :: Ends August 23rd, this week Friday!!
BABYBJÖRN cradle :: Ends August 27th

the fashionista :: shannon is a wordy, type-A OCD momma to FOUR little ladies and wife to her perfect match of 14 years now. she will run for fun, emotional stability, drinks and more importantly {chocolate}. shoes, bags, baubles and cute babies are her vice. she loves anything fashion and is loving every second of having 4 little fashionistas in training! {life motto :: Phil 4:13}
Find more of Shannon on her blog, twitter, pinterest, facebook, instagram and Google+.
Olivia Rubin
August 21, 2013 at 12:26 pmNoooooo not the cradle! It was on the DL. We need it badly. Holding off on Craigslist purchase until giveaway ends. Needless to say, thank you for the chance.
Shannon :: owner
August 24, 2013 at 2:20 pmhe he! yah, it’s a good one!! 🙂 good luck!