“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Orbit for Kids. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”
I’m at the grocery store, cart full of food and we approach the check out line. I don’t know about you, but is that the worst part of your shopping experience? Agh, it totally is for me! Whether it’s the long lines, the kids in front or behind begging for goodies or MY kids asking for something…it’s just not fun! When I was waiting the other day, I was looking at the gum and noticed something new. Something that caught my eye. If was a new type of gum geared towards kids, so I totally picked it up to read a little more.
Have you seen Orbit for Kids on any of your shopping excursions lately? I have to tell you a little about it, because I was impressed.
- It is sugar free – an obvious need for something going in my child’s mouth 🙂
- Comes in bubble gum as well as a strawberry banana flavor. My girls LOVE this flavor. And honestly, the smell of it makes me want to pop a piece here and there too!
- The gum has been awarded the ADA Seal of Acceptance (that’s the American Dental Association)
The benefits of kids chewing gum between brushing are pretty great. I never really thought of this until I was introduced to the idea via this campaign. Did you know that chewing a sugar free gum helps neutralize plaque acid? That means healthy teeth longer. Also, chewing sugar free gum helps stimulate saliva flow…which then works in conjunction with the whole neutralizing plaque acid 🙂 Also, popping a stick of sugar free gum within 15 minutes of eating is a great way to clean out the teeth. Obviously, these are great benefits when used WITH a proper brushing, flossing and mouth wash routine – but totally worth mentioning!!
Check out this awesome goodie bag we received – my kids could NOT wait to dive in!

Orbit for Kids is a newer chewing gum line that I am quite interested in these days. I really don’t feel it’s necessary for kids to chew gum. Honestly, mine wouldn’t be chewing it at all if it weren’t for everyone and their brother chewing it around them. So I figure, if they are going to have the gum, the WILL be having the best kind for them. That leads me to why I think Orbit for Kids is so great…let’s chat.
Before I go…I have to know. Are you on Twitter? If so, there will be an Orbit for Kids Twitter Party on Tuesday, July 30th! Follow below so you can be in the know! I’m sure there will be tons of great information and maybe even some giveaways!
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