3 In holidays/ in the kitchen/ organic food/ valentine's day

organic lollipops from YumEarth :: review

Organic Lollipops from YumEarth are the perfect treat for kids & adults alike With Valentine’s Day just around the corner it’s time to start getting the Valentine’s Day cards and treats ready for the kids to share with their friends. At our house we’ve begun the process of making homemade cards and to make each card even more special this year we are including Organic Lollipops from YumEarth.

Valentines Day Carids with YumEarth Organic LollipopsIf you’ve never tried YumEarth’s Organic Lollipops you are missing out! We were first exposed to these delicious little treats from our chiropractor, who keeps them on hand for the kids.

My girls and I were instant fans and there have been multiple times in the past year where I have purchased YumEarth’s Organic Lollipops to “trade out” some of the other candies my kids have received from holidays, parades, or just to have for fun!

yumearth organic lollipopsOn top of peanut sensitivities and allergies in our house, I swear that Red Dye is worse than straight up sugar or massive amounts of caffeine for my kids.  I LOVE – LOVE – LOVE that YumEarth is made in a tree nut and peanut free factory and that they are 100% natural colors (no chemical dyes in these lollipops!).

But the BEST part of YumEarth’s Organic Lollipops though is the taste! The Wet-Face Watermelon lollipops actually taste like watermelon and not that fake watermelon flavor (you know what I’m talking about). My personal favorite is the Pomegranate Pucker, which is such a popular flavor you can buy it in single flavor bags!

If you’re looking for a great treat for your kiddos, or if you want all the other kids and moms from your child’s class to be equally happy about the Valentine’s Day treat your kid passes out this year I highly suggest the Organic Lollipops from YumEarth!

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Organic Lollipops :: $7.99 – 40 count bag

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own.*


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    March 6, 2013 at 6:00 am

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  • Renee
    February 3, 2013 at 3:50 pm

    Great idea for V-day Carinn!

    • Carinn
      February 4, 2013 at 10:04 am

      Kids LOVE these and I know my girls are excited to share with their friends. 🙂