I had forgotten all about it until I saw a new, fancy version of an old favorite. When we were in middle school my friends and I had tons of rubber band bracelets. We’d stretch it out over one of the folders in our Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper and write little messages to one another on it with multicolored ballpoint pens. (Am I dating myself here???) Once you took it off of the folder, you couldn’t see the letters clearly and no one would be able to see your super secret message. Now you just had to pass it over to your girlfriend without the teacher seeing it. Once it made it’s way across the class, she could stretch it out to see little notes like LYLAS or BF4ever or ♥BLM+MWI♥ written on it. The only problem with this plan is that after traveling through a trail of dirty hands and then being worn on her wrist, the ink would wear off fairly quickly.
The story of Brian Redmond isn’t too far off from my experiences. Except instead of passing meaningless notes from girl to girl, he was writing positivey messages to his daughter. While he was out delivering mail, he’d write these messages to his daughter and then leave them on the counter for her to find the next morning. And she loved it! What kid wouldn’t? Brian decided that if these bracelets meant so much to his daughter, they’d mean a lot to girls everywhere. Through the Girl Power Campaign, they are hoping that we can all work together to help girls develop a positive self-image and a foundation for success. They created fashionable and fun bracelets with phrases such as “I am empowered to make a difference,” and “I am empowered to be myself.” That last one is my daughter’s favorite. And I really love that! I hope that she’ll continue to be herself. It’s so hard to not conform when everyone else is doing “it” (whatever “it” may be).
Click here to learn more about the Girl Power Campaign and what you can do to help empower your favorite girl(s). You can also find great information on how to empower girls and how important self-confidence is.
Girl Power Stretch N Revel bracelets by Zootuz:: $6.95 per pack of 5
the southerner :: bridget is a mom and chauffeur to four tiny humans. she and her family live on a farm in an idyllic little southern town. they have a grumpy old dog and a kitten who likes to attack feet and eat crayons (but not at the same time). bridget likes to read, write, or pray in color late at night when the house is quiet.
Find more of Bridget on her blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram and Google+.