At the first hint of nice weather, my kids have taken up residency outside. They will literally spend every moment outside, only to come in when called in for bedtime. And, since I absolutely adore that they are outside playing and exploring together, I typically let them stay out there as long as possible, leaving very little time to go through the bedtime routine.
They are bathing, brushing, flossing, combing, and dressing in record speeds this time of year in an effort to both stay outside as long as possible but still get in bed for a good night’s rest on school nights. Ok, let’s be honest, the bathing and flossing are more of an every other night gig.
Despite how little time we leave for the bedtime routine, it is still very important to me that they are get their teeth nice and clean! That’s why I’m loving the new Philips Soicare for Kids!

The older kids love the Sonicare toothbrush because they can customize it with these really fun faceplates and it makes them feel a little more grown-up {always trying to grow-up too fast}. But the preschooler, on the other hand, he was a bit hesitant. After all, it was totally new to him. Bigger toothbrush, “buzzes”, moves on its own — he just wasn’t so sure. But, after picking out his own fancy-schmancy faceplate, he was willing to give it a try.

And he loved it! The larger handle and easy grips allow him to really hold on to it and brush and, because the Sonicare has both a high and low power mode, it was gentle on his little mouth.
As a mom, I love that the sonic cleaning power of the Sonicare toothbrush is really filling in where they are falling short. Or maybe “filling in” isn’t the best phrase to use. Its 500 strokes per second are compensating for their developing brushing techniques, which kind of suffer a bit when they are in a rush. The KidTimer also helps remind kids when to move to the next section of teeth and when they are finished brushing.

Sometimes it’s hard to let those little buggers get so independent, but it’s nice to know that, when we do, products like Sonicare for Kids is there to help ease our minds that the job is getting done!
From now until April 10, snap a photo of your little one trying something new or becoming independent. Post your photo on Instagram with the tag #PowerToKids and you’ll automatically be entered to win a Philips Sonicare for Kids power toothbrush! You know all those cute photos on your phone of your kids trying to brush their hair, “shave” like dad, “make” dinner? Those are perfect! Visit Philips Sonicare on Facebook for all the details!

philips sonicare for kids :: $49.99
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alicia k (Petite Pilates Pixie)
April 4, 2014 at 8:26 amgreat idea of customization. makes kids want to use them
April 15, 2014 at 9:36 amAlicia,
The really cool thing about the customization is that kids of all ages love it! My oldest, 8, likes that she gets to have a “cool” toothbrush but it isn’t covered in cartoon characters (because apparently cartoon characters aren’t cool when you’re 8 and going to a sleep over with friends, who knew?).
Candy Kelley
April 4, 2014 at 8:11 amWould be wonderful for my grandson. He is getting bigger and this would keep his interest in brushing teeth
April 15, 2014 at 9:38 amThe little sound signal is really cool, too, Candy! It lets them be “big kids” and brush on their own but reminds them to switch to the other side of the mouth and lets them know when they’re finished!
Janet W.
April 4, 2014 at 6:37 amWhat a good idea of giving stickers to customize a toothbrush! That would get my grandsons more excited to actually brush their teeth!
April 15, 2014 at 9:39 amAnd the stickers don’t just fall off and make a sticky mess on the toothbrush, Janet! They can be easily switched but stay in place until you’re ready to switch them!